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April News

It’s been a crazy few weeks. An impromptu gig with Jacob Collier, Louis Cole and myself sold out London’s Pizza Express venue in a matter[…]

March news

I’m just back from a stint in the Seychelles, which looked like this… …and march is shaping up nicely. I’m recording some new music for[…]

Hamish Stuart gigs

Can’t wait to play a few shows with the living legend! Whitstable March 5th Aberdeen March 20th  

Soul Family play Motown @ Ronnie Scott’s

This December 1-3 and 8-10 we give the SFS twist to our annual soul blow-out 2 shows per night. Expect more of this…

Shredvember…. Tony Royster Jr

We’ll be headlining the Live stage at London Drum Show – 9 November 4pm, Olympia Tony Royster Jr – Drums Ben Jones – Guitar Robin[…]

Krantz / Carlock session

I’m prettty excited to be recording with these 2 legends for some new Unidentified Flying Project tracks in a couple of weeks. Here’s some footage[…]

post history lost….

So it turns out certain Turkish mans don’t like my website and keep taking it down. The reason for which i cannot explain. actually i[…]

New “Events” page

I have a new Events page which you can take a look at here. For now i’m just including some fun shows that you might want[…]

THIS is pretty exciting