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  1. Michael Corden on Contact

Rob Mullarkey

Here’s the Rob Mullarkey blog. I try to update it regularly with interesting little pics and nuggets of info, but if you want to know[…]

Natalie Williams BVs session

Had to post this. I was engineering a backing-vocals session for Natalie Williams and we only had La-Shar-Vu AND Brennabel Reilliams in the house! Look[…]

simon lea

Rizzlekicks sessions @ Rak

Ant Whiting asked me to help recreate some old samples down at Rak studios for Rizzlekicks and Ella Eyre.


I’m trying to catch up with everyone who’s been asking for lessons recently but it’s been crazy… and i’ve been slack! Anyway this month is[…]

Loved working with Agnes Gosling last week

Her Nascimento covers album is coming together and we recorded a special arrangement of Lilia with 2 basses and 2 vocals. Such a rewarding session.[…]

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